Seven Things Renters Should Do Before Moving
Learn what you need to do before you move in to a rental home
There’s no doubt, summer is moving season. With the season comes the ever-stressful time of finding a new apartment or home, packing all your belongings and moving. If you’re planning on renting a new home this summer, this checklist for you.
Seven Things Renters Should Do Before Moving
1. Find a place that fits your budget
Finding a home is not easy, but always keep your personal finances in mind, set a max budget for rent and a list of your specific needs before signing a new lease like proximity to work and play.
2. Get rid of what you don't need
Before you start packing, clean your closets and get rid of the things you don’t need and you’ll have less items to move to your new place.
3. Pack a box for the first day in your new home
Get every item you may need for the first day or the first couple of days. That way you will not need to go through every box trying to find one single item.
4. Transfer your utilities before you move in
Most systems nowadays let you schedule from your computer. It will turn on the utilities at the new place and shut them off at the old place when you need to turn in the keys. (Hint: Make sure water faucets are all closed if you’re not present at the time of the connection.)
5. Change your mailing address
Before you move, take a couple of months to check on every piece of mail you get and do a list of the places you need to change the address. Also, notify the United States Postal Office of your change of address and they will forward your mail that you miss to notify.
6. Child and Pet care services for moving day
Make sure to arrange for someone to take care of your pet or children for the day you finally move. That way, you will minimize the risk of an accident and a smooth transition from one place to the other.
7. Make sure your AC unit is set per your needs
Before you move in, it is recommended to change the air filter in the new place. The new filter will help cleaning the air and remove any allergens or dust that the previous tenants left behind. If the new place has a programmable thermostat, make sure to erase previous settings and input your schedule to avoid paying more on your electric bill.
Also, don't forget that if you have to move during this busy season, keep in mind that movers and trucks will be in high demand. Moving is stressful enough, even without these added “peak-season” complications. Remember, planning and preparation is key for a safe and efficient move.